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A Time for Every Purpose under Heaven: An Exploration of Sacred History
What is history? For many post-modern men—maltreated and miseducated by substandard pseudo-educators in the holding pens which society calls “public schools”—history is just a string of disassociated events which reduces to a catalog of ‘one blasted thing after another.’
The Sermons
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No Man Can Serve Two Masters
My dear friends, our Lord + Jesus, the Christ in His Sermon on the Mount declares that, “No man can serve two masters.”
Thy Faith Hath Made Thee Whole
My dear friends, there is no doubt that we are justified by faith. It is by faith in the Lord + Jesus that we are made whole.
Who Is My Neighbor?
My dear friends, the certain lawyer in today’s Gospel reading asks our Lord + Jesus, the Christ, “And who is my neighbor?
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